Thursday, February 22, 2018

Friday, February 23rd, 2018

Friday is one of those days I am absent (also next Tuesday and Wednesday, February 27 and 28).

Friday's assignment is a reading one from the anthologie. We have a spent a good deal of time preparing for a brief introductory interview involving expressions of activity, adjectives and daily routine. We have some work to do with oral skills, particularly in thea area of confidence, but literacy is another important aspect of French.

Students are to read a short story called Le Tunnel de la peur in their Anthologies, pp. 16 -19. Instead of answering questions from the book, there is an on-line quiz linked in the news section.

Interim reports are coming up and you should ask your son/daughter if they have submitted ALL of the following reading and writing assessments to the drop box:

1. Une journée à mon goût;
2. L'Exploitation des enfants;
3. Quiz - Les verbes pronominaux;
4. Le Tunnel de la peur (outlined herein).

The interim reports will be going home just before March Break and will have one of three marks:

Progressing with difficulty;
Progressing well;
Progressing very well

A large majority of students will likely be in that middle category, which is where they should be. I have a personally very high threshold for "Progressing very well" that few students will achieve.

I will also be forwarding information about parent-teacher interview scheduling. I understand that interviews are scheduled for Thursday, March 22nd from 6:00 p.m. until 8:00 p.m.

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