Monday, September 11, 2017

Bonjour et bienvenue!

Hello and welcome to another school year! A busy semester, to say the least with a grade nine applied class (FSF1P1-11) and a STACKED grade 11 and grade 12 university section (FSF3U1-12 and FSF4U1-12).

This space is what is called my homework blog; it is intended for communication with parents primarily, but also students. I would encourage you to subscribe, as I hope to update frequently. Also, it will be written entirely in English - the only time students will actually see English in their digital experience in French class.

Students are off to a good start. They are actively engaging in their learning using digital tools, such as the HUB, Google Docs and We will continue to engage in this type of 21st century learning towards making our students better speakers, listeners, readers and writers of the French language.

An important bit of news for grade nine students: iPads will be distributed this week. Forms will be going home on Tuesday and it is critical that they come back, signed, right away. Startup for grade nines is busy, as we are engaged in transferring computer accounts from their middle schools so that the digital tools the HWDSB  is fortunate to have can be enjoyed in full.  Please ensure that these forms make it back to the school either Wednesday or Thursday of this week.

In the mean time, communication lines are always open. Have a look at the top right hand corner of the screen for contact information if you wish to get a hold of me.

Let's have a great semester in French!

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